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VCAT cites 'critical failings' in Bentinck Hotel plans

Plans to redevelop an historic hotel in the Macedon Ranges have been rejected.

The proposal is to subdivide land around Woodend's Bentinck Hotel into nine residential lots.

The Macedon Ranges Shire rejected the application and an appeal was taken to the Victorian Civil and Administrative Tribunal (VCAT) last month.

In its findings, now published, VCAT says the proposal has "critical failings" which override any benefits provided by the infill development.

It says the plans are not consistent with the town's character and there is particular concern that too much vegetation will be removed from the land.

However, it also says it is "unfortunate" there are not stronger planning rules for the site.

It says without them there is a risk of development that will erode features that make the town's character so appealing in the first place.


Source: ABC News, 16 ABC News