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Restaurants support the pro - business posture of the Coalition

Restaurant & Catering Australia, the peak body for Australia's restaurateurs and caterers, congratulates the Coalition on its recognition of small business in Mr Abbotts Budget Reply speech.

The Association is very supportive of the undertakings to delay the introduction of superannuation increases, undertake tax reform and to have a Small Business Minister in Cabinet. John Hart, R&CA Chief Executive, said that 'these commitments show that the Coalition understands the pressures that small businesses are under'.

'Restaurants, cafes and caterers are in a period of change where most businesses are marginal. The rising cost of wages is at the centre of these pressures and the superannuation guarantee increases would have added a significant burden on these labour intensive businesses'.

'The undertaking to delay these increases will provide some time for businesses to bounce back before the next hit the bottom line is imposed'.

There are 35,000 restaurants, cafes and caterers in Australia. On average restaurant businesses make less that 2% net profit, all of which would be undermined by the superannuation increases.



Source: Restaurant & Catering, 17 May 2013