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Salted ice-creams a big hit

Ice-cream judging might sound like one of the easiest jobs in the world but as Stephanie Ziade will tell you, it is serious business. Almost 100 of the country's best ice-creams were tested this week as part of the 2013 Perth Royal Show dairy competition.

    Salted ice-creams a big hit
Taste-testers Cecilia Crawford and Stephanie Ziade.

Ms Ziade, 27, co-ordinator of the Show's Follow the Yellow Brick Road educational program, got a taste of the judging process on Tuesday. "I did taste a few and I'd have to say my favourite was salted caramel," she said.

Ms Ziade said the atmosphere among the judges was not quite what she expected. "I saw them judging it and it was very quiet in there, there was no noise at all," she said.

"They were all wearing white lab coats and hair covers. It was one spoonful, then straight in the bin, so they're not contaminating flavours."

Judge Stuart Johnson, who is an ice-cream industry veteran, admitted it was an enviable line of work.

"I stopped working in the industry seven years ago, which has probably been good for my waistline, but I've continued judging," he said.

Mr Johnson said he was impressed by the more creative flavours such as ginger coffee and salted pistachio.



Source: The West Australian, 18 July 2013