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Victorian dairy to build new milk plant for UHT milk

A new $40 million factory producing UHT (U-H-T) milk is being built at Shepparton in northern Victoria and is expected to create 100 jobs.

It's a joint venture between Australian Consolidated Milk and Freedom Foods Group that will support 200 dairy farms in the Goulburn Valley.

John Hommes from Consolidated Milk says the UHT milk is being produced for the export market.

"They have a niche market over there, that with UHT milk we can take over there."

"It has got a lifespan of 10 months so it is something that we can export with."

"It is very hard to export with fresh milk but with UHT you have got 10 months which makes it more attractive to take over there."




Source: ABC News, 13 August 2013