Browse Directory

Bowral assault figures near licensed premises plummet


MEDIA RELEASE - 4 September 2013


Assault rates in and around licensed premises in the Wingecarribbie Local Government Area have dropped an impressive 43% in the past five years.

AHA NSW Director of Policing and Regulations John Green said the substantial fall was due to the pro-active work of hoteliers keen to work side-by-side with police and the community to target thugs.

“A drop of 43% in just a few years shows you are doing something right,” Mr Green said.

“Across NSW over the same period assault rates in licensed premises fell about 30% so it’s easy to see Bowral has done much better than other areas in the State.

“The reductions have been sustained also - with an average 13% down each year in non-domestic assault figures.

“The message is clear – assault figures can come down without the sledge hammer measures introduced in places like Newcastle which decimated the night-time economy and stopped people going out.”

Mr Green is in Bowral today meeting with Moss Vale Hotel Licensee Tom Porter – (also the local AHA NSW delegate), police and race organisers to discuss the upcoming annual Bong Bong Races. The race this year is to be held on a Friday as part of the Southern Highlands 150 celebrations.

Mr Porter also welcomed the Bowral figures.

“All too often we hear negative stories involving violence and the community,” he said.

“These figures show what can be done when you have local hoteliers who know their towns working together with the community on solutions to local problems.”