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NSW Tourism Awards open for 2012

The Hon. George Souris, NSW Minister for Tourism and Major Events, officially launched the 23rd NSW Tourism Awards program by recognising the extraordinary contribution of all tourism businesses in New South Wales at Parliament House yesterday.

The 2012 NSW Tourism Awards are presented by the Tourism Industry Council NSW with the support of official sponsor Destination NSW. The program acknowledges excellence in tourism practice and products across 31 categories and are judged by an expert panel of tourism professionals.

“The NSW Tourism Awards recognise and celebrate the hard work and efforts of our state’s tourism operators to continually boost our reputation across the country and the world, as a leader of high quality tourism products and experiences,” said Minister Souris.

Andrew Jefferies, the General Manager of the Tourism Industry Council NSW encouraged all tourism businesses across the state’s wider tourism industry to enter into the prestigious awards program this year, to build upon the success of 2011.

“Last year, we had a record number of entries, and the standard was second to none.”

“These high standards delivered NSW a record 11 title wins at the Qantas Australian Tourism Awards in Cairns earlier this year, and it is our intention to continue to grow this level of national success even further. This outstanding effort demonstrates the depth and quality of tourism products in NSW,” said Mr Jefferies.

The unique submission process supports businesses in developing a strategic plan.

Kathy Balodis, the Managing Director of the Macquarie Waters Boutique Apartment Hotel believes entering the Awards is a critical activity for her business.

“I have been participating in the tourism awards for six years.  It takes a lot of work but the outcomes are well worth it.” 

“I use the award process as part of my yearly strategic planning process. I crunch the results and review the past year for the award submission, but at the same time plan for the upcoming year; it helps me decide on my financial, customer service and innovation goals.”

“Winning at both the regional and state level has had enormous benefits to our business. Customers certainly make a decision to stay at your property when recognising you as an award winner,” said Ms Balodis.

To support the participation from businesses right across the state, a series of regional Tourism Awards Workshops are being held to assist entrants on what to include in their submissions and what the judges are looking for and the overall importance of the program for tourism in this state.

These workshops are also a great opportunity to enhance business skills and practices as well as a chance to network amongst peers.

For more information on the NSW Tourism Awards visit: