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Is this the most expensive coffee in Australia?

Campos Coffee managing director Will Young believes he is set to pluck the record for the most expensive coffee sold in Australia - at $666 a kilogram.

With 666 representing the Number of the Beast, you could be forgiven for thinking the coffee had passed through the digestive system of the Indonesian civet, or the belly of Thai elephants, both of which produce reactions creating high-priced beans.

Young's beans have taken a more traditional coffee route, his Ironman Geisha stock nabbing first prize at the prestigious Best of Panama auction. Japanese buyers have purchased the winning beans for the past five years, but Campos trumped them this year, buying the entire 68 kilogram auction lot. "The most expensive coffee I have seen [in Australia] is coffee purchased by Proud Mary in Melbourne.'' But the Haciende El RobleProud Mary bought was still cheaper than the Ironman Geisha.

Young says Campos intends to sell the coffee in pre-ordered 150 gram jars, at $100 a pop. He argues that there's little profit in high-end coffee: ''Once all the costs have been incurred by air freight [and] weight lost in roasting and profiling, we will not be making any profit."



Source: Good Food, 1 October 2013