Browse Directory

Reminder from the VCGLR: Apply for your extended trading hours now

Please remember if you wish to trade later than the extended trading hours approved by the VCGLR for New Year’s Eve 2013 -14, you need to lodge an application for a temporary limited licence by 15 November 2013.

In the inner-city municipalities of the City of Melbourne, the City of Yarra, the City of Stonnington and the City of Port Phillip, where Ministerial Guidelines concerning trade after 1.00am apply, applicants must demonstrate exceptional circumstances to be considered for the granting of a temporary limited licence.

You must also consider any relevant licence conditions or related planning permits when deciding to make use of the extended hours.

For further details, please email or call us on 1300 182 457.


Source: Victorian Commission for Gambling & Liquor Regulation, 1 November 2013