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Anti-bikie liquor licensing changes causing problems for hospitality workers

Pub owners and hospitality staff fear changes to liquor licensing under Queensland's new anti-bikie legislation could make it harder for them to do their jobs.

The new legislation bans individuals wearing any clothing or accessories that display names or club patches of declared criminal organisations from entering or remaining on licensed premises.

Licensees and employees can be fined $11,000 for knowingly allowing people who break this law to remain on the premises.

Greg Maitland, chief executive of the Independent Pub Group (IPG), says he is fully supportive of Premier Campbell Newman’s crackdown on outlaw motorcycle gangs but is concerned about how his staff will go about removing bikies from pubs.

"We have concerns around removing someone because that puts us in a position to police that. I think there's unrealistic expectations there," Mr Maitland said.

Safety concerns for hospitality staff

The legislation outlines 26 declared criminal organisations and provides a list of the patches of the gangs.

"The point is not necessarily the identification of these bikies but the removal of people who break the law," Mr Maitland said.

"To expect a young duty manager to remove a 120kg bikie standing at the door is a big ask."

Brisbane restaurant manager Matt Tarrant says his staff are all familiar with the new laws, but some have voiced concerns about how to approach any individuals breaking these laws.

"We received an email from the Government and sent it around to all the staff, so they know what to look for," Mr Tarrant said.

"But some of them have said they would have trouble asking people to leave. Bikies can be quite intimidating.

Do you know your Hells Angels from your Rebels?
Find out about Australia's major bikie gangs with our explainer.

"I think some staff would probably hesitate.

"But if we had any problems we would call the police anyway, that's what they're there for."

Mr Maitland, whose company IPG owns four licensed venues in Queensland, says it is unreasonable to penalise pub and hotel owners.

"It seems mighty hard to enforce and that's where the issue sits for me. Why should I as the owner of the establishment get fined?

"We have to be the police and in this case it's pretty unreasonable."

However Queensland Hotels Association CEO Justin O'Connor says the new rules do not represent a major change to the way licensed premises currently operate.

"The liquor act already provides categories of individuals who are not allowed to be served, for example minors, those unduly intoxicated, and unruly or violent individuals," Mr O'Connor said.

"The practical effect of these changes is simply adding another category to that list of people who are not allowed to be served.

"Our advice to members of the QHA is essentially that normal protocols should be applied, and if there is any resistance to these new laws then the next step is to call the police to intervene."

Confusion over which bikies to refuse entry to

Mr O'Connor says the QHA issued advice to its members emphasising that a bikie who leaves his colours outside and enters the licensed premises in ordinary clothing is not committing an offence under the new laws.

"There is an area of confusion in some people thinking all members of bikie gangs should be refused service, when this applies only to those displaying outlaw gang colours or logos," he said.

"So there's an element of confusion in the early stages of the legislation but we expect that to become clearer.

"We've recommended the new changes be incorporated into regular staff training. It would be a good idea to revisit the normal protocols for refusal of service as well."



Source: ABC News, 2 November 2013