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Hotel goes up in flames, man charged

A man has been charged with torching the old Racecourse Hotel in Flemington, a known haunt for squatters that went up in flames last night.

Firefighters were called to the abandoned hotel, on the corner of Racecourse and Epsom roads, just after 9pm and were confronted with an intense blaze that was racing through the two-storey building.

It took 48 firefighters almost an hour to bring the fire under control. Most of the hotel’s roof had collapsed and a council surveyor will inspect the brick walls this morning to assess the structural damage.

Metropolitan Fire Brigade spokesman Trevor Woodward said the hotel, which overlooks Flemington Racecourse, had been boarded up after several previous fires and it was a known haunt for squatters.

Police said a 33-year-old man of no fixed address was arrested near the hotel last night.

He was charged with criminal damage by fire, and was released to appear in court at a later date.

Fire crews are monitoring the smouldering remains this morning, and are yet to determine the source of the blaze.

Mr Woodward said the intense heat from the fire brought down tram wires onto the road, making the firefighting effort difficult last night.

Source: The Age, 7 June 2012