Browse Directory

High prices for leavers' week rooms

Accommodation priced in the thousands has all but sold out as teenagers scramble for a room for next month's school leaver celebrations. The official...

Sydney company fined for unsafe food production

Sydney food manufacturing company Sunrise Meats was convicted and sentenced in the Downing Centre Local Court today for various breaches of the Food Act...

Canberra Airport starts consultation on hotel plans

Canberra Airport has started a consultation on plans to build a four-star 180-room hotel. The hotel would be built between the airport and Brindabella...

Old-fashioned flair

There has been a fair bit of comment recently about the transformation of the Perth restaurant scene by the bright new culinary stars ascendant in the...

New mid-market hotel to attract business travellers

Australia’s first Atura hotel has opened in Sydney and is set to deliver industrial-style spaces and value to urban travellers across the country. Atura...

Food industry needs skilled workers

More highly skilled workers are needed if the food industry is to capitalise on growth opportunities, a study released today (24th October) has found. An...

$12,000 fake puts wine buffs out of pocket

It is one of the world's finest, rarest and most expensive wines, but connoisseurs appear to have been duped into spending up to ₤7000 ($12,000) a bottle...

Wine industry emerges from slump with post-GFC highs for exports

The country's wine industry, beset by a high dollar and decades of oversupply of grapes, may be on the mend, with the value of bottled wine exports the...

Record-keeping and pay slip compliance boosted in WA, SA and NT

Employers appear to be improving compliance with workplace laws, based on the findings of a recent campaign by the Fair Work Ombudsman. The national workplace...

City pubs and clubs warn of job losses if State Government bans smoking

City pubs are warning of job losses and huge hits to revenue if the State Government goes ahead with plans to ban smoking in all outdoor dining and drinking...