Five Uniwell POS Features Designed to Boost Your Business


The ongoing success of any hospitality business requires constant effort. The great challenge is the process of analysing your operation to find where improvements can be made, developing fresh and interesting incentives to attract new customers (or increase existing customer involvement), and then communicating these promotions to your customer base and local community.

While many venue operators see their point of sale system simply as a means of recording sales and storing the cash, a modern POS system, such as those offered by Uniwell POS Australia, can be so much more! We are always striving to find ways that help hospitality businesses to get more out of their POS. Here are five existing features of our integrated Uniwell4POS solutions that can assist you in the promotion and growth of your venue:

1. Meal Deal Promotions

The ability to combine multiple products and offer a ‘group discount’ for the combination has been a feature of advanced point of sale terminals for a long time. This feature is typically associated with the fast food industry (thus the name ‘Meal Deal’). However, it can be just as powerful a tool to incentivise an increase in customer spend at a small café. Having your POS automate these promotions and record them allows you to be in control and measure their success.

2. LCD Customer Display Integration

Your point of sale terminal is often at the centre of your counter, right in front of your customers – prime marketing real estate! Understandably then, LCD displays connected to the POS terminal that show promotional material have recently become popular. Is there an opportunity for you to promote your business to those waiting at your counter? With the use of your imagination, there is no shortage of ideas of how you could use a customer display to benefit your venue. Finding eye-catching ways to promote your business and remind your customers of what you offer can enhance their experience and add to your bottom line.

3. Automated Price Level Changes

While you do want to boost your business, doing so at times that your venue is already at, or near, capacity is counterproductive. What you really want to try and achieve is an increase of custom at times when you are not busy, and staff are typically being underutilised. This is where ‘Happy Hour’ or ‘Half Price Tuesday’ type promotions can be useful. Having special pricing on a promotional group of products at specific times can inspire new customers to try you out, or even get existing customers to visit more frequently, boosting your business.

4. ‘In-house’ Customer Loyalty

One of the great challenges regarding establishing a successful customer loyalty program is to make it simple enough for your customers to use, while also activating genuine repeat business. Who of us hasn’t signed up for a ‘store card’, only to have it cluttering up our wallet for months without being used? Or, worse still, having a collection of cards at home, sitting unused in a desk drawer? Uniwell’s current range of POS terminals have a variety of in-house loyalty options that are easily set up, simple to maintain and don’t necessarily require your customer to carry a membership card.  It’s the basic coffee card concept – modernised.

5. Back-office Sales Trend Analysis

Of course, the ability to seek out opportunities to boost your business, program the POS functionality to cater for your promotions, and then measure the success of your efforts, can’t be achieved without the right tools. Uniwell POS Australia has a local software development partner, Lynx Software, that has been developing Uniwell Lynx back-office management software for Uniwell POS terminals for over 10 years. The latest features of Uniwell Lynx are designed to enhance the many promotional features of your POS and provide the detailed sales reporting that can help hospitality operators to be proactive in the analysis and enhancement of their venues.

Don’t underestimate the role your POS system can play in helping you promote your hospitality venue.




12th July 2018


Uniwell POS Australia

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