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Halim family in fresh bid to save $330m Hotel Windsor project

The Halim family has launched a fresh bid to rescue its $330 million redevelopment of Melbourne's Hotel Windsor with a commitment to begin the first stages of the project within 12 months of a planning permit extension being granted.

The comprise offer was made by Halim Group director and Hotel Windsor manager Adipoetra Halim before a compulsory mediation conference with the state government  on December 2 and follows a decade-long battle with various state governments and heritage organisations to redevelop the crumbling building, the last of Australia's grand Victorian-era hotels.

"The compromise and assurance we have offered [Victorian Planning] Minister [Dick] Wynne is commitment to sign a construction contract within four months of a permit extension, and to begin demolition of the north building (stage 1 of major works) within 12 months of a permit extension," Mr Halim told The Australian Financial Review.

"We believe this meets the minister's stated concern about getting on with the job. If we miss these targets, we agree to surrender the permit."

Both parties have been ordered to attend the December mediation by the Victorian Civil and Administrative Tribunal, after the Halim Group appealed Mr Wynne's decision not to grant an extension to the original 2010 permit, which requires completion of the Denton Corker Marshall-designed 27-level tower by January 2017.

Should the December mediation fail, a full VCAT hearing is scheduled for February.


But, Mr Halim, whose family made its vast fortune in Indonesia from banking and tobacco, said failure to win an extension would mean closing down the 1883-built hotel, whose guests have included Margaret Thatcher, King George VI, Don Bradman, Vivien Leigh and Laurence Oliver among others.

"Make no mistake, without a redevelopment, I will have no hesitation in closing the hotel within three years. I will not allow the Windsor to crumble and die a slow disgraceful death. I will find another use that does not rely on the pleasure of transient planning ministers," Mr Halim said.

He added Melbourne desperately needed luxury hotel accommodation, labelling its level of hotels and service "sub-par compared to the other great cities".

"The Windsor is older than almost all the great Victorian-era hotels around the world, including Raffles in Singapore, the Ritz in London and the Waldorf Astoria in Manhattan, all of which have undergone modern refurbishments." The Waldorf sold last year for $US2 billion ($2.8 billion) to Beijing-based Anbang Insurance Group. 

"These are the hotels that give a city a point of difference for discerning travellers, especially the new rich in Asia," he said

Mr Wynne declined to comment.

In his July rejection of the extension, he claimed the Halims could have built their tower at any time since their permit was granted in 2010 – a claim rejected by the Halim Group which says heritage permits were only granted in 2013 – and urged them to "get on with construction".

Mr Halim said the redevelopment would take at least 36 months and could not be completed by January 2017. He also rejected assurances from the government that "there had never been a case where a permit has not been extended when a building is substantially complete".

"The building industry and the investors simply cannot take political decision-makers on trust when it comes to the Windsor," he said.


Source: Australian Financial Review, Larry Schlesinger, 30th September 2015
Originally published as: Halim family in fresh bid to save $330m Hotel Windsor project