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One Mile Hotel demolition stirs community debate

A READERS' poll has strongly backed Mayor Paul Pisasale's concerns on private certifiers approving the demolition of the One Mile Hotel without the involvement of council.

About 250 readers took part in the poll and the story was shared by more than 980 people on Facebook, and attracted about 180 comments.

Asked should private certifiers be making decisions on whether prominent buildings can be demolished, 84% said no.

While readers agreed the council should have been involved in the decision, opinion on whether the One Mile Hotel building itself should be preserved was divided.

Craig Boettcher said the building was "an eyesore".

"It's a dirty unkempt looking building," he said.

"It's just another boozer doing nothing positive for society except taking people's money."

Justin Mack said the building had been run down for many years.

"It should have been bulldozed years ago," he said.

Nathan Hair agreed.

"It is an eyesore. I'm kind of glad even though I hate the destruction of heritage," he said.

However Pauline Clark said the building should be heritage listed and kept "clean and tidy".

"Developers will put up something they think looks better but really isn't," she said.

"It is a beautiful old girl that needs to be taken care of. Wake up council and people of Ipswich."

Kylie Hale said she would like to know why the building had not been heritage listed due to its history as the site of a pioneering pub.

Donna Powell was saddened by the prospect of the building being demolished.

"My hubby and I used to go have a drink, play pool, the pokies and pinball there all before we were married. The end of an era for us," she said.

Neville Bee said while it was an end of an era, the building was not heritage listed for obvious reasons.

"Everyone wants it to stay, however no one supports the business.

"It would be nice if a facade could be worked into any designs."

Jo Logan pointed out the reality of the dealings.

"Not only is it going to be knocked down but people are going to lose their jobs," she said. "And those people have been with the company for many years. I know this as I am one of them."

Donna Mortimer asked Cr Pisasale not to sit back and allow the building to be demolished.

"This is what happens when councils allow private certifiers to give final approval.

"It wasn't long ago there were media reports regarding the quality of work in new estates approved by private certifiers. Alarms bells should have been ringing then."

Matt Allison said "For or against it is still amazing how this has been allowed with what appears no resistance."

Jim Mckee said council was destroying the character and history of West Ipswich.

"Despite spending 1.2 million dollars on a plan for the area, council has seen fit to destroy historic properties in West Ipswich in the recent past and will do so again in the future.

"What was once a gritty and character-filled area with tremendous potential for inner city housing and mixed use, is being turned over to developers with Council merely rubber stamping any project."

Tara of Ipswich said she was suspicious something was happening to the pub.

"The pub has been way too quiet the last few weeks. But I think they should leave it there and upgrade it."


Source: The Queensland Times, Brian Bennion, 1st October 2015
Originally published as: One Mile Hotel demolition stirs community debate