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Cafe owners told of acquisition for Sydney Metro over a latte order

Sydney cafe owners Deanne and Spiro Coucouvinis could never have prepared themselves for the bombshell that was dropped on them by two customers early last week.

"Spiro was serving at the time," Mrs Coucouvinis recalls. "He served them and then they told us."

It was 9.30am, peak hour for their coffee business. The two customers turned out to be state officials who were there to tell them of the government's plan to acquire and demolish the building on the corner of Elizabeth and Hunter streets in central Sydney that is home to their cafe.

"You couldn't talk – there was a line of people," Mr Coucouvinis said.

The government officials quickly left, leaving the couple with nothing but a contact number and an uncertain future.

"We had no intention of selling, but now … they're taking it," Mr Coucouvinis said

The building is one of 19 in the central business district that faces the wrecking ball over the next two years for construction of train stations for the $10 billion-plus metro line.

The Coucouvinis' have run the Bar Bellino café since 2003, working hard to establish their business and create a sense of community that they now have with the neighbouring merchants.

While negotiations have not yet begun for the compulsory buy-outs, the Coucouvinis' fear the size of their loss will not be fairly evaluated.

"They're taking away our livelihood. They can pay us the value of the business, but what about my income? How do I bring in money to pay my loans to keep myself living?" Mrs Coucouvinis said.

The impact of these seizures will be felt by business owners before the negotiations are finalised. As tenants have now been warned, they will be forced to watch their neighbours leave.

"They're our customers. Nothing is going to happen for another 12 months but, during that time, our customer base is going to start to erode … we're just going to get strangled," Mrs Coucouvinis said.

Transport for NSW said it made "every possible effort" to avoid the need to acquire private property but in some cases had no alternative to allow construction of a major project.

About 50 staff from Sydney Metro have been contacting all affected property owners and tenants since early Monday last week. "Sydney Metro's priority was to provide accurate information to people as quickly as possible," a spokesman said.

George Street closures

It comes as Roads Minister Duncan Gay warned that bigger challenges faced Sydneysiders when another block of George Street is closed to vehicles on December 2 for the construction of the $2.1 billion light-rail line. The second block to be closed is between Market and Park streets.

"This next closure between Market and Park streets is another big test, and again we urge everyone to re-time and re-route their journeys to, from and through the CBD," Mr Gay said.

The entire route for the light-rail line from Circular Quay to Randwick and Kensington in the city's east is 12 kilometres, and its construction has been divided into 31 zones, each of which will be closed separately. Peak construction will occur during the second half of next year when work will be under way on 17 zones.

Source: The Sydney Morning Herald, Samuel Roberts, 24th November 2105
Originally published as: Cafe owners told of acquisition for Sydney Metro over a latte order