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Delaying gambling monopoly decision 'holds back investment', Tasmanian Hospitality Association says

Delaying a decision on extending Federal Group's gambling monopoly is holding back investment in the state, the Tasmanian Government has been warned.

Key Points:

  • Federal Group has exclusive rights to poker machines in Tasmania

  • The deal expires in 2023

  • It is due to be renegotiated in 2018

  • Federal Group says a $70 million upgrade of Wrest Point casino will not go ahead if deal is not renewed.

  • Tasmanian Hospitality Association urges Government to make a decision quickly

The exclusive deal for Federal Group to operate all poker machines in the state expires in 2023.

The group has been accused of "corporate blackmail" after tying a $70 million upgrade to its Wrest Point casino to an extension on its monopoly agreement beyond 2023.

Tasmanian Hospitality Association general manager Steve Old said regardless of the potential extension, he wants a better deal for his members.

I think what is does is it holds back any investment that we are going to get out of a new agreement.

Tasmanian Hospitality Association general manager Steve Old

"Financially what percentage they get from the machine revenue, what costs they currently face in relation to what fees they pay at the moment, whether they can get some of those fees reduced," he said.

There is also a proposal from MONA owner David Walsh to build a high-rollers casino, but it is contingent on Federal not being granted an extension.

This week he told ABC local radio he would press ahead with plans to construct the casino building, but it would be used for other purposes until his gambling license request was determined.

Mr Old said the State Government's delay in making a decision was preventing investment in the state either way.

"I think what is does is it holds back any investment that we are going to get out of a new agreement," he said.

"Whatever deal is done I want to see it sooner rather than later."

The Government said a decision on the deed did not have to be made until 2019.

Labor not putting forward position

The gambling monopoly was brokered under the former Labor state government.

With mounting pressure on the current Liberal administration to make a decision, shadow treasurer Scott Bacon said he wanted a call made quickly.

"What we want to see is the Treasurer, in particular, be up front with the Tasmanian people, he seems to think that he can just put off any decision around the continuation of the pokies license in Tasmania," he said.

But he said he could not be more specific about whether he supported an extension.

"What we want to see is an outcome that's in the best interest of the Tasmanian community," he said

Mr Bacon was asked what decision would be made on an extension if Labor was in government.

"What we would be doing is sitting down not only with people that are keen to get the license extended but also with problem gamblers in Tasmania," he said.

Like the State Government, Mr Bacon also wants Federal to push ahead with its investment plans regardless of an extension to its gaming monopoly.


Source: ABC News, Richard Baines, 17th December 2015