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Scores for food safety

Glen Innes Severn Council has adopted the Scores on Doors Program which will be implemented in early 2016.

The program is a food safety scoring program that displays the results of food premises inspections as an initiative from the NSW Food Authority.

Graham Price said the program is designed for businesses selling food that is ready to eat, potentially hazardous, that is, the food requires temperature control, and for immediate consumption.

“A number of local food businesses have already approached Council expressing a desire to be involved in the program, and it is expected most businesses will be keen to participate as the benefits of displaying a high star rating are realised,” he said.

Peppermints’ Business Owners Jenny Smith and Barry Wicks said they thought it would be a good program.

“If you do the wring thing you will be caught out,” Barry said.

“It works in other towns and stops the cowboys.”

“We don’t have any problem with our inspections so we will hopefully benefit from it,” Jenny said.

Several other Glen Innes food businesses declined to comment as they were unaware of the program details.

Graham Price said the program provides another opportunity for proprietors to promote their business to the community and create a point of difference from competitors.

“Rather than negatively impacting a business, the programme provides the opportunity for a business to demonstrate it is serious about food safety, and customers can patronise their establishment with confidence that food supplied is safe and meets the hygiene and safety standards set in the Food Standards Code,” he said.

Council officers will assess businesses during their annual food safety inspection program and issue certificates as applicable.

“These will stand for 12 months until the next round of food safety inspections, unless changed as a result of a review,” Graham said.


Source: Glen Innes Examiner, Georgina Bayly, 17th December 2015