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Council to take action over One Mile Hotel demolition

COUNCIL will take action over the night-time demolition of the former One Mile Hotel.

Nearby residents have complained about the noise and dust created during a rushed demolition of the building that occurred between 7.30pm and 9.30pm the Monday before Christmas.

Under the state's Environmental Protection Act, construction works may be carried out only between 6.30am and 6.30pm on weekdays.

A council spokesman said yesterday the Council did not grant approval for the demolition of the One Mile Hotel.

"The demolition approval for the One Mile Hotel was issued by a private building certifier in Brisbane and not by Council," the spokesman said.

"No approval was granted for the undertaking of actual works on site nor for a variation to the standard state government approved worksite hours of 6.30am to 6.30pm Monday to Saturday," the spokesman said.

"Council will be investigating and undertaking compliance action in relation to these matters."

He said Council did issue a traffic control permit for the temporary closure of footpaths and traffic lanes adjacent to the site.

"This approval required notification of affected residents and businesses at least 24 hours prior to the works commencing," he said.

However he said no approval was granted for demolition works.

Gumdale Demolition owner Trevor Lyons told the QT on Tuesday all necessary approvals and permits from council and Main Roads were gained prior to the work.

Neighbouring resident Nathan Janssen and his pregnant wife Tara had concerns about the amount of dust created during the demolition works and asbestos in the building.

They told the QT on Tuesday they should have been advised of the works to give them time to find temporary accommodation and had concerns about health risks.


Source: The Queensland Times, Brian Bennion, 8th January 2016