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Cafes ban customers ordering while on the phone

by Leon Gettler

A number of cafes have started banning customers ordering their coffee hit while on their mobile.

In a clear trend around Australia, some are putting up signs telling people it’s just not on.

Cafe 655 in West Melbourne has a red sign with a phone crossed out with the warning: "Please do not use mobile phones in this area"

There’s a hand written note on the cash register at Mister Close café in the Melbourne CBD making it quite clear that phones will not be tolerated. "We can't and won't serve you if you are on the phone. We need to engage."

Customers making wrong orders because they’re on their phone have to pay a 50 cent surcharge at Bella Natural Food Co in Terrigal, NSW.

And over at the Cornucopia Museum Cafe in Darwin, there’s talk of making phone-focused customers donate $2 to charity.


8th February 2016