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Workplace relations compliance - media statement

Media statement from the Chief Executive Officer of the Accommodation Association of Australia, Richard Munro, in relation to workplace relations compliance:

"The accommodation industry is strongly committed to meeting legal obligations under Australia's workplace relations regime to staff who work in tourism accommodation 

"Staff are one of most important attributes of tourism accommodation businesses and this, alone, is a powerful reason for operators to comply with workplace relations 

"Accordingly, issues which arise about lack of compliance are, by and large, isolated 

"If it is proven that an operator of an accommodation business - indeed, an operator of any type of business in Australia - is found not to have been complying with workplace relations law, then the operator should face appropriate 

"The Accommodation Association is available to assist operators of accommodation businesses to meet their employment 

"We are keen to ensure Australia's accommodation industry is seen as an employer of choice by staff, prospective staff and the broader community."


May 9th 2016