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Greens vow to protect penalty rates

Penalty rates has emerged as an election issue with the Greens pledging to enshrine existing Saturday and Sunday penalty rates for thousands of retail and hospitality workers in legislation.

In a move clearly aimed at targeting Labor’s policy areas and wedge the ALP, Greens MP Adam Bandt announced the policy in the NSW Labor seat of Grayndler, where Greens MP Jim Casey is challenging Labor heavyweight Anthony Albanese.

Mr Bandt said the ALP was not prepared to stand up for its policies.

'They talk tough on protecting weekend rates but will not do anything to protect weekend rates should they be cut,' he told AAP.

“Weekend rates are an integral part of people’s rights at work, with thousands of Australians depending on weekend rates to make ends meet..

“It is time that people have certainty about the future of their weekend rates. It is time to ensure people’s weekend rates are protected by law.”

Labor opposes reducing Sunday pay rates, but it’s also waiting on a decision from the Fair Work Commission due to be handed down before the election on July 2.

Opposition Leader Bill Shorten has said he will accept the commission's decision.

But opposition industry spokesman Kim Carr said the party would wait to see what the ruling was.

'All my experience of the Labor party is our defence of penalty rates is absolute and I would expect that to continue,' he told ABC radio on Monday.

Mr Shorten ruled out legislation protecting Sunday penalty rates, warning the Greens their position was risky.

"They're playing with fire by proposing that a government should be able to legislate on specific penalty rate outcomes," Mr Shorten said while visiting a factory in Geelong on Monday.

‘"They are loading the gun for a future conservative government to pull the trigger.

"What the Government has the power to put in, a future government has the power to dismantle."


by Leon Gettler, May 17th 2016