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Licensed Venue & Amenity Audits

Venue & Amenity Audits

Can you afford the risks involved with having liquor related non-compliance issues at your venue or do you need a trained eye to look over a potential new venue before committing?

On Tap Liquor Consulting can help with venue compliance audits or undertake pre purchase investigations before you commit to buying an existing licensed premises.

Spot Inspections – starting at $250* 


  1. Inspection conducted during normal hours of trade with a focus on basic compliance requirements associated with operating a licensed venue, similar to a Compliance Inspection undertaken by the Victorian Commission for Gambling and Liquor Regulation.
  2. Audit focusing on the basic points of the Liquor Control Reform Act 1998 and Liquor Licence Conditions as stipulated on the liquor licence
  3. Preparation of audit report that also contains recommended remedial action for any noted issues


Full Audit – starting at $750* 

Includes everything included in the Spot Inspection, plus: 

  1. A review and audit of the venue relevant to the Liquor Control Reform Act 1998 in its entirety (i.e. a complete look at venue compliance across every aspect of the Act)
  2. General compliance audit related to the Principles of Responsible Advertisement and Promotion
  3. Consultation meeting with client to present the report and discuss the findings and ways to remedy any issues.


Full Audit and Review of Operation– starting at $1500* 

Includes everything included in the Full Audit, plus: 

  1. Inspection will be conducted by 2 qualified staff during the hours of trade as required by the client (minimum of 2 hours),
  2. Amenity of the area and how the venue possibly contributes and areas of concern highlighted,
  3. Full review of Store Policies and Procedures related to liquor sales
  4. Discussions with staff responsible for the service, sale and offering of liquor at the venue to identify knowledge gaps
  5. Preparation of Liquor Licence Folder specific to the venue at completion of the audit (if requested).
  6. As part of these audits the client will have access to discounted rates for further services provided by On Tap Liquor Consulting.


*Conditions apply 

Pre Purchase Investigations 

Get piece of mind BEFORE buying a licensed premises 

If you are considering purchasing a licensed premises in Victoria, speak to On Tap Liquor Consulting prior to signing any contracts. Any major decision such as this needs to be an informed one, with all facts available to you. How likely is it that an agent working on behalf of a vendor will give you all of the information relating to a venue if it may come across as a negative? 

We will provide an in depth ‘pre purchase’ investigation into the venue prior to you making any financial commitments. We can; 

  1. Ensure that the venue has no major compliance history issues with either the Victoria Police or the VCGLR
  2. Ensure that the venue is trading under the most appropriate and cost effective licence category
  3. Ensure that there are no licence conditions which will cause day to day operation issues
  4. Conduct an amenity audit of the venue to ensure there are no major neighbourhood issues which can cause you problems in the long run
  5. And conduct any other audit matter needed taking into account the specifics of the venue. 


Let On Tap Liquor Consulting provide you with that ever important piece of mind before you commit.


November 29th 2016