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Debate over “skimpies”

Over in Western Australia, the big debate now is over so-called “skimpy” barmaids, otherwise known as topless staff.

The debate comes after a suburban pub in Perth failed in its application to allow topless waitresses.

For non-sandgropers, “skimpies,” are female bar staff who walk around in a bikini or lingerie.

They have been big in working class pubs in industrial suburbs and mining towns out in the west. Many pubs advertise “skimpies” to draw customers during traditionally quieter times such as midweek lunch and dinner services.

Skimpies were all the rage during the mining boom when there was a massive influx of fly-in fly-out mining workers to towns such as Kalgoorlie and Port Hedland. As a result, there was a corresponding influx of fly-in fly-out barmaids doing the circuit of regional towns.

But now “skimpies” have been challenged by grassroots campaign group Collective Shout fighting against the sexualisation of women and using young girls to sell products.

Collective Shout objected to the application by the Merriwa venue, in Perth’s northern suburbs, to allow topless waitresses.

They are also objecting to “skimpies” – who, in accordance with WA’s liquor licensing provisions, keep some form of top on.

Publicans and agencies are furious and say all this would put women out of work.

“If they want to put the dole queues up, go right ahead,” Geraldton Beach Hotel owner Jason Moylan told the West Australian. “It’s a tradition of a lot of towns; it helps bring people to these country bars.

“The industry is struggling as it is, and that’s our major entertainment for our workers.”

Skimpies agency manager Natalie Baker women working in the industry should “have a choice to do what we please”.

“So we’re here stepping up to say we wish to continue and we are women so please respect us,” Baker told the ABC.

by Leon Gettler, March 28th 2017