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Uber app for on demand jobs

A Perth start-up has come up with the technology to help hospitality venues looking everywhere to find staff at short notice.

It’s called Squaddle.

Basically, it works like Uber.

Hospitality businesses post a job or gig. The app gives them access to a pool of skilled local workers who provide their own quotes for the service, along with their work history, skills and peer ratings.

It is designed for venues and for bartenders, baristas, front and back-of-house, and chefs who can set up profiles with their skills. 

The app is the brainchild of Perth IT professionals Adam Sarris and James Hill who developed it about 18 months ago.

They make their money by taking a cut of 20 per cent of value of the contract, including a provision for superannuation, from the worker. The app can also process the payment and invoice for the completed work.

It was launched a few weeks ago and 500 hospitality contractors and 50 businesses have so far registered.

Mr Sarris said it came out of the issues he was having setting up a café.

"I wanted to open an espresso bar, but during the planning process realised that staffing would be an ongoing issue for the business, and the concept of Squaddle was born," Mr Sarris told the ABC

He said it worked well for venues, better than traditional temp agencies.

"I don't think labour hire companies are as responsive. We had a gig just the other day where a business posted urgently for the night noodle market. In just over an hour, someone was there working," he said.

Mr Hill concurred.

"The traditional cost of getting someone into work five hours is too high to warrant them coming in. Like putting up ads and then getting a tsunami of CVs when you only need them for one day,” Mr Hill told the ABC.

"So we are servicing a need that is not currently being met by traditional temp agencies.”

by Leon Gettler, April 7th 2017