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Sydney restaurant serves steak with maggots

A Sydney diner was horrified after finding she was served steak in a restaurant crawling with live maggots.

Sheila Kim was taken aback by the steak when she was out celebrating the 1000-day anniversary with her boyfriend last Wednesday at the The Ranch in North Ryde.

So she did what any diner would do in this day and age: she posted a video of it on Facebook.

"Live worms [were] coming out of the steak," she said in her post.

"We couldn't believe this was happening at one of the big restaurants in Australia ... don't know how many people are affected by this.

“If someone is expert in biology and thermodynamics please review the video so that they are educated on food handling.”

The video has gone viral. It has been been shared and commented on thousands of times.

Ms Kim says the restaurant offered them a refund and $150 in vouchers.

She says she hopes the restaurant will hear from the NSW Food Authority and the local council.

The restaurant was taken aback by the incident. It said there had been no problems with any of the other steak meals it had served that day.

It said the maggots had appeared on the steak after it was cooked.

"Our investigation revealed that the incident was due to blowfly larva laid after the meal was cookedas it is not possible for larva to survive the cooking process," a Ranch spokesman told SBS World News.

"The Ranch Hotel served 262 steak meals on the day with no similar instances or concerns raised by any other customer."

It said it had conducted a thorough investigation into the matter.

"All our kitchen staff are experienced and accredited in food safety and The Ranch stands by its food safety record and processes," the spokesman told SBS World News.

"We have been in contact with the Council to investigate and endorse our findings and with the customer to express our apologies."

by Leon Gettler, October 3rd 2017