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Mandatory country of origin fish labelling bid stymied

Entrance State Labor MP David Mehan has tried to introduce mandatory labelling of seafood by its country of origin.

He introduced a private member’s bill which sought to bring NSW in line with the Northern Territory. The NT has laws requiring the menus for seafood prepared for immediate consumption — such as restaurants, takeaways, pubs and clubs — to clearly indicate whether it was Australian or imported.

The plan would have allowed diners to know whether the fish on their plate was from the coast or trawled from overseas.

But his idea was scuppered by neighbouring Terrigal Liberal MP Adam Crouch, and others along the coast.

They even said Mehan should be inducted in a seafood “hall of shame”.

Mehan is furious and has singled out Liberal and National MPs of coastal electorates, including Andrew Constance of Bega, Melinda Pavey of Oxley and Andrew Fraser of Coffs Harbour.

“It’s telling that a couple of them didn’t turn up for a vote,” he told the Daily Telegraph, pointing his finger at South Coast Liberal MP Shelley Hancock and Kiama Liberal MP Gareth Ward.

“These two aren’t typically that slack ... so it suggests there might be some support for regulation.”

Crouch retaliated and said Mr Mehan’s private member’s bill “missed the mark”.

“The Bill was poorly written and left many things unclear,” he told the Express Advocate.

“The NSW Government was unwilling to pass a Bill that didn’t even specify any penalties for noncompliance.

“When the NSW Government sought feedback from our industry-led seafood labelling working group on Labor’s Bill they raised significant concerns.”

What was needed instead, Crouch said, was for the government to carry out a trial of labelling first.

He said that would “rather bring everyone along with us instead of rushing to legislative solutions that don’t meet anyone’s expectations”.

Restaurateur Hayley Cansdell, of Bombini at Avoca and Fish Dining on Gosford waterfront, said she was “100 per cent” behind country of origin labelling but pointed out that Australian seafood could be up to “three times the price” of imported fish.

“It’s hard to make good margins on food when they’re highly priced,” Cansdell told the Daily Telegraph.

Leon Getler 28th February 2018