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Newtown hotel’s ‘F**k the Cup’ event splits punters

Inner-Sydney Newtown Hotel’s decision to boycott the Melbourne Cup has divided the public, with some calling it un-Australian while others raised the decision.

The pub announced recently it will not celebrate the Melbourne Cup on November 6, instead, it will hold a “F**k the Cup” event in a bid to protest the increasingly controversial annual race.

“We aren’t about horse racing … so instead we are becoming an island from all the other venues around us … that won’t be televising the Melbourne Cup or hosting some fancy lunch for suits to bet on some horse because its name is cute!” the hotel stated in a Facebook post, which generated thousands of likes, shares and comments.

The event will feature local bands as well as a “karma keg” of beer, with all proceeds to go to Horse Rescue Australia to rehabilitate ex-racing horses.

Speaking to The Daily Telegraph, Liberal MLC Peter Phelps said the decision was “petty” and only for “woke animal liberationists who love that sort of thing”.

“The vast majority of Australians are going to be watching the cup — if people want to be grumble bums, they can be grumble bums,” he said.

However, PETA spokeswoman Emily Rice told events that boycott the Melbourne Cup are growing in number and popularity every year.

“Forcing horses to run at breakneck speeds while being whipped is gambling with their lives,” she said. “There’s nothing ‘sporting’ about animals suffering and dying on the track.”



Sheridan Randall, 25th October 2018