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Broke student caught trying to bolt after racking up $4k restaurant bill

A student in the UK has been caught trying to do a dash-and-dine at London’s The Savoy after racking up a $3,835 bill. 

Despite having just $35 in his pocket, twenty-year-old Yahya Egeh decided to celebrate his birthday with a meal at The Savoy with friend Tallulah, but panicked when she didn’t turn up leaving him a solo diner at the five-star restaurant. 

To make up for his lack of company, he ordered a $3,128 bottle of 2004 Chateau Mouton Rothschild to wash down his meal. It is not clear whether he understood how much the Bordeaux wine cost, but was quickly apprehended by Savoy security staff after attempting to do a runner without paying. 

Egeh’s lawyer, Shaher Bukhari, said he had apologised for what he did. 

“Tallulah never arrived and he started to panic,” Bukhari said in his defence.



Sheridan Randall, 7th January 2019