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Muffin Break faces millennial backlash over unpaid work comment


Millennials are fighting back against cafe chain Muffin Break after its general manager said that they weren’t willing to do unpaid work to get ahead. 

Speaking to NewsCorp, Natalie Brennan said was “nobody walking in my door asking for an internship, work experience or unpaid work”. 

“You don’t see it anymore,” she said. “Before that people would be knocking on your door all the time, you couldn’t keep up with how many people wanted to be working. In fact I’d run programs because there were so many coming in.

“In essence they’re working for free, but I can tell you every single person who has knocked on my door for an internship or work experience has ended up with a job. Every single person, because they back themselves.

“There’s definitely that inflated view of their self-importance because they have X amount of Instagram followers or this many likes. That’s dangerous.” 

However, millennials have hit back at the comments on social media. 

“Going to muffin break tomorrow for a free breakfast and if it's satisfactory I might pay next time,” one post read. 

“Why should we work for free? Working for free won't pay our rent or feed our children!' said another.



25th February 2019