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Morrison claims café owners would sack workers if forced to boost wages

The two major political parties are fighting a bitter war of words ahead of the upcoming election, with the Coalition slamming the Opposition’s push for a $43 a week boost for low income earners.

Since framing the May election as a "referendum on wages", Labor has come under increasing fire from the Morrison Government, who are now claiming that any pay rise would cost jobs and force businesses to close.

"He's saying to coffee shop owners and small businesses around the country: 'sack someone'. That's his policy - that people should be sacked," Morrison said.

Australian workers on the minimum wage would receive an extra $43 a week under a union proposal submitted to the Fair Work Commission, a move backed by Labor in theory, if not yet in practical detail.

The Australian Council of Trade Unions has called for a six per cent rise to $762.20 a week, up from $719.20. That would rise to a 10.7 per cent increase over two years. 

"No full-time worker should live in poverty," ACTU secretary Sally McManus told ABC Radio National.  



Sheridan Randall, 13th March 2019