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‘Paelo’ Pete Evans slammed for promoting anti-vaccination views

Celebrity chef Pete Evans has been slammed by medical professionals for promoting the views of a controversial anti-vaccination lobbyist.

The MKR host Evans found himself on the wrong side of the medical establishment again after endorsing a podcast containing anti-vaccination views and sharing it with his 1.5 million Facebook followers.

"One of the most important podcasts to listen to. Thanks @paul.chek for asking the questions that need to be asked about vaccines and medicine,” he wrote before signing off with a heart and prayer emoji.

The comment immediately drew the wrath of the medical community, with Australian Medical Association president, Dr Tony Bartone, saying Evans should stick to cooking.

"When it comes to cooking, Pete Evans might be an expert, but his misinformation about vaccination is a recipe for disaster," Dr Bartone said in a statement.

"He should leave the medical advice to the experts and keep quiet about matters he has no skills, experience or expertise in. Vaccination has saved millions of lives worldwide."

Earlier this month, the largest study of its kind compiled over a decade showed that childhood vaccinations, particularly the Measles-Mumps-Rubella vaccine, have no link to causing autism.


18th March 2019