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Erina’s Sunken Monkey combats violent reputation under new licensee

The Sunken Monkey in Erina has climbed off NSW Liquor & Gaming’s Level 2 Violent Venues list under new licensee Sean Wagstaff. 

The Violent Venues list is updated every half-year, citing any hotel in the state that has recorded 12 or more incidents in the previous 12 months. 

“I wanted to use my skills acquired over the past decade to see what a high-risk venue was like, and what I could do, so I took the licence here last April,” said Wagstaff. 

Wagstaff brought in security company SSI and digital incident register provider AusComply to bring a best-practise methodology to the pub. 

“I was told it would take two years to get us off Level 2, however, with a lot of late nights training my team, and the best security company in the game, we achieved this in just under one year – from 17 listed assaults down to just eight,” he said. 


Sheridan Randall, 19th March 2019