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Sydney Airport cafe under fire for lacklustre vegemite toast

A Sydney Airport café’s less than enthusiastic application of vegemite on some toast has left one customer very unimpressed.

Taking to Reddit, the customer slammed the café for being “un-Australian” after being left underwhelmed by the vegemite toast they were served. “This looks like they walked past a jar of vegemite while holding the bread and then called it a day,” one person commented.

“I hate the stuff and even I know that isn’t quite enough,” another wrote. One added: “I don’t know what’s more obscene, calling that mess ‘toast’ or the appalling lack of vegemite on it.”

The toast pictured does look rather low on key ingredients including butter. The much criticised mark-up for many food items at the airport also came under scrutiny.

“I bet it cost $15 too,” one person wrote.



Sheridan Randall, 2nd April 2019