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Council asks Adelaide café to pay $30k to install safety bollards

The owner of a café on a busy intersection in Adelaide is being made to spend up to $30,000 on installing bollards to protect his customers from traffic.

Campbelltown Council is asking Long Lost Friend owner Frank Blefari to stump up the cash following a risk assessment by private traffic experts. The intersection has recorded five crashes between 2013 and 2017.

As Blefari was using privately-owned frontage for outdoor dining at the intersection he was under no legal obligation to install bollards outside his cafe.

However, the Council were concerned that if they installed the seven bollards other businesses with street frontage would also demand to have them installed. So instead they opted to request Blefari to pay for the bollards.

“I checked with my insurance company and they said bollards should be put in but it wasn’t my responsibility because it wasn’t my land,” he told NorthEastern Weekly.

“I pay my rates, I pay my taxes, why should I have to pay for it?”


9th April 2019