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Accommodation Association of Australia CEO steps down

Richard Munro has stepped down as CEO of the Accommodation Association of Australia (AAoA) after eight years in the role.

“It has been an enormous privilege and I have thoroughly enjoyed my time at the helm of the AAoA, seeing it through an unprecedented growth period and it will be business as usual with a strong board and capable team in place,” he said.

Julian Clark, the president of the AAoA, said Munro’s advocacy for the industry on the topic of rate parity had delivered a major win recently with Labor’s announcement that it would ban the rate parity clauses imposed on accommodators by OTAs if elected in May.

“[It is] just one example of how Richard and the AAoA have worked to deliver a fantastic outcome for our industry,” Clark said.

“Mr Munro has grown the membership, our corporate partnerships and our brand to the respected leadership position that the AAoA now holds in the tourism and accommodation industries as well as the broader business sector.

“Richard is leaving our organisation on a high as far as the AAoA and the industry goes.”


Sheridan Randall, 10th April 2019