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Proposed Kangaroo Bay hospitality school signs agreement with UTAS

The Chinese company behind a multimillion-dollar proposal for a Kangaroo Bay hotel and hospitality training school has signed an agreement with the University of Tasmania.

“We are excited about exploring the opportunities of a hotel management and hospitality college in Tasmania,” said UTAS vice-chancellor Rufus Black.

“On Friday last week, we signed a Memorandum of Understanding with Chambroad to further investigate a collaboration around the Kangaroo Bay development.”

The $80 million venture by Chambroad has previously slated TasTAFE to deliver the courses for the new hospitality school. However, TasTAFE had pulled back its involvement with Chambroad as it was not a higher education provider.

An Office of the Co-ordinator-General spokesman welcomed the new agreement between UTAS and Chambroad.

“Chambroad has consistently expressed the view that the international hospitality college is integral to the Kangaroo Bay project and we welcome the signing of a MOU between the University of Tasmania and Chambroad to explore the University becoming the education operator for the hotel management hospitality college,” the spokesman said.


Sheridan Randall, 23rd July 2019