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Hotels banking on Asia Marketing Fund

Australia’s accommodation industry is set to benefit from a $48.5 million Asian tourism marketing fund that will take Australia into new Chinese markets and expand our presence in the region.

Tourism Accommodation Australia Managing Director Rodger Powell welcomed today’s launch of the Asia Marketing Fund by Tourism Minister Martin Ferguson.

“This marketing fund will deliver real value for hoteliers by targeting the key markets in growth regions across Asia. It will ensure the There’s Nothing Like Australia campaign will have increased reach into the growing tourism markets in Asia at a critical time for the industry.

“An independent Celsius Research study has already found the campaign is resonating with the Chinese market, so it is timely that Tourism Australia is now in a position to expand its promotional activities. Martin James of Celsius said that the campaign had proved to be exceptional and in the top 7% of more than 5000 advertisements tested in China.

“Today’s announcement by Minister Ferguson demonstrates a significantly maturing approach to rapidly growing Asian markets.

“Expanding our Chinese presence to include Chengdu, Qingdao and Chongqing and putting renewed emphasis into a traditionally strong visitor market in Japan will provide new business opportunities for Australian hotels.

“The partnerships being developed between Tourism Australia, state government tourism agencies and airlines will ensure one message goes loud and clear to these key markets.

“The Celsius research proves that the team at TA know their stuff. The industry will support this effort to assure it gets maximum traction”



Source: Tourism Accommodation Australia, 17 August 2012