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Berrima Gaol to be turned into boutique hotel and entertainment precinct

The historic Southern Highlands landmark Berrima Gaol was recently purchased for $7 million, with a proposal in place to turn it into a boutique hotel and entertainment precinct.

Behind the acquisition is Western Sydney property developer and owner of a sports management company Joe Wehbe, through Wehbe’s Blue Sox Developments.

“The proposal incorporates a boutique hotel whilst retaining the beautiful grounds of the estate, and will include cafe, restaurant, bar, community and event areas, and spaces which will cater for small business opportunities such as antique and bookshops, personal services, art galleries, library and museum,” NSW Planning Minister Anthony Roberts said.

The purchase had caused controversy amongst local investors as well as the Berrima Residents Association, who claim the development does not consider the interests of the community.

“We’ve been sold down the river and community interests have been sidelined in this, and we won’t forget in the state election coming up next year,” said Eric Savage, president of the Berrima Residents Association.

“We had developed a vision for the site with input from the Southern Highlands Chamber of Commerce for a vibrant creative precinct with an arts hub, farmer’s market, an 80- to 100-seat theatre and venue, and all of which respected both the gaol and Aboriginal history to the site,” said Savage.

“But once we had submitted an offer in the expressions of interest campaign, we were not even asked to elaborate on that for the tender process that followed.

“The government clearly have no interest in engaging with the community on this site.”

The gaol has great significance in Australian history, having been built in 1830. It was where Berrima axe murderer John Lynch was hanged in 1842.

During World War I it was used as an internment camp for German prisoners and in 2001became a women’s prison before being deemed unfit for purpose in 2020.




Irit Jackson, 25th May 2022