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Candid cop camera not popular in pubs

Publicans have been urged to bar police from filming inside venues by the Australian Hotels Association.

AHA NSW members were sent a memo last week in which CEO Paul Nicolaou told owners to simply tell police to shut the cameras off.

"Should members detect police officers using cameras in their premise (sic) do not consent to their use, you are totally within your rights to ask/tell them to turn it off," the memo said.

The memo was sent before the launch of Operation Unite, a major police operation targeting alcohol-fuelled violence.

As part of the operation, Police used "Go-Pro" cameras to film inside pubs and clubs. The cameras were mounted on the chests of police officers to capture what Police Commissioner Andrew Scipione called the "raw experiences" of police in violent hotspots.

Mr Nicolaou denied he was advising his members to ignore police directions: "Licensees and their patrons have rights and the purpose of the memo was simply to remind them of this fact. People meeting and having a drink inside a pub or club don't want to be filmed by police."

NSW police spokesman said: "The Go-Pro cameras were used for the launch of Operation Unite only and in accordance with the requirements of the Surveillance Devices Act. 

"The vision was designed to give the public a unique perspective - and a deeper understanding - of the sorts of alcohol-related issues that NSW Police confront on a daily basis."



Source: The Daily Telegraph, 12 December 2012