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Margaret Fulton, Maggie Beer, Stephanie Alexander, Neil Perry and Kylie Kwong to feature on Australia Post stamps

COOKING legends Margaret Fulton, Maggie Beer, Stephanie Alexander, Neil Perry and Kylie Kwong have been chosen to feature on this year's Australia Day stamps.

The general public was asked for the first time to offer their input into the Australia Post Legends Awards selection procedure via the MasterChef website and a field of 20 was whittled down to the final five by a select panel.

The Legends Award started with Sir Donald Bradman in 1997, and honours living Australians who have made a unique contribution to our way of life, inspired the community and influenced the way Australians think about themselves and their country.

"It's a very nice honour," said food doyenne Margaret Fulton who turns 90 this year. "I'm getting older, and it's a lovely feeling to say that you've wound up on a stamp."

Maggie Beer said she was a sentimentalist at heart who had kept every letter her mother wrote her while I was overseas.

"So being on a stamp makes me very proud," she said. "There have been so many parts of my life that I've had to pinch myself about, and this is one of them.

"I am absolutely thrilled. Look at the company I am keeping. It is an awe-inspiring list. It's also a little confronting when I'm going to see it on every bill that comes in. I hope I can convince some of my family to write me letters."

Stephanie Alexander said she always hand writes a letter to thank people personally.

"Now I'll be even prouder to put a stamp on it. I think it's a great honour and I'm in some marvellous company," she said.

Neil Perry said he felt honoured to be in such company and it made him feel a resonsibility to work even harder on his Starlight Foundation charity committments and encourage his young staff.


Cooking legends' stamp of a...

Australia Post Legends of Food Stamp Series ... Neil Perry, Stephanie Alexander, Margaret Fulton, Kylie Kwong and Maggie Beer. Pictured at Rockpool, Sydney. Picture: Rohan Kelly Source: News Limited

"It is just such an incredible honour, it's just extraordinary when you think about it. I don't know how many people have been on it since the first one came out with Don Bradman on it but it's probbaly less than a 100 Australians," said Perry who has worked with Alexander, employed Kwong, served Beer's products and sees Margaret Fulton, as a "great living legend of Australian food".

"It's breathtaking. You never think in your wildest dreams that you are going to end up on a stamp."

Kylie Kwong said she was still stunned at her image being on a stamp and credits her mother with her success.

"I'm absolutely chuffed. I don't even think it's sunk in yet; I'm still digesting the enormity of it. It fills me with such pride and it makes me want to do even more for this country and to take what I do that step further," said Ms Kwong who is the youngest of the recipients.

"I love the other four who were chosen, they are my absolute food gurus in this country and I consider it to be a real privilege to be with them."

The recipients will feature on the series released on Friday and will be presented with a 24-carat gold replica of their stamp.

About half a million of the 60c stamps will be sold either individually, in a book of 10 for $6, or as a first-day cover with a set of maxi cards along with a commemorative book titled Australian Legends of Cooking.

While the panel agreed on a top three, it was the final two that most of the discussion was about, said Michael Zsolt, manager of the Philatelic Group at Australia Post.

"The discussion went on for a long time, a couple of hours actually, and we came up with these. Not saying that any others who missed out were also not deserving," he said.


Australia Post Legends of Food Stamp Series...Neil Perry, Stephanie Alexander, Margaret Fulton, Kylie Kwong and Maggie Beer. ...

Australia Post Legends of Food Stamp Series...Neil Perry, Stephanie Alexander, Margaret Fulton, Kylie Kwong and Maggie Beer. Pictured at Rockpool, Sydney. Picture: Rohan Kelly Source: News Limited

"We research a lot of different possibilities. We submit a recommendation of what we have done in the past and what would fit this year. One of the criteria that relates to the recipients of the Legends Awards is about a sustained contribution to their field."

Stamp buyers come from "strong, loyal and committed collectors", he said, as well as those who want to personalise their post.

"I always put it to our designers, if a stamp is on an envelope, and somebody receives that envelope and they look at the front of that envelope, we've got to try and get our message across in three seconds," he said.

The stamps and other Legends products are available at participating Australia Post retail outlets, or via mail order, 1800 331 794 or, while stocks last.

2014 Australia Post Australian Cooking Legends:

Margaret Fulton OAM

Author of over 15 cookbooks, is known as the matriarch of Australian cooking. The Margaret Fulton Cookbook, published 1968, is credited as changing the way Australians eat.


Margaret Fulton OAM Author of over 15 cookbooks, is known as the matriarch of Australian cooking.

Margaret Fulton OAM Author of over 15 cookbooks, is known as the matriarch of Australian cooking. Source: Supplied

Stephanie Alexander OAM

Best-selling author of the beloved classic, The Cook's Companion. Founder of the Stephanie Alexander Kitchen Garden Foundation, she has pioneered food education in Australia.


Stephanie Alexander OAM Best-selling author of the beloved classic, The Cook's Co...

Stephanie Alexander OAM Best-selling author of the beloved classic, The Cook’s Companion. Source: Supplied

Maggie Beer AM

Much-loved Australian cook, food author, TV personality and food manufacturer. Maggie and her husband Colin established the Barossa Pheasant Farm Restaurant in 1978.


Maggie Beer AM Much-loved Australian cook, food author, TV personality and food manufacturer.

Maggie Beer AM Much-loved Australian cook, food author, TV personality and food manufacturer. Source: Supplied

Neil Perry AM

One of Australia's most influential chefs. He manages seven award-winning restaurants across Sydney, Melbourne & Perth, is an author, philanthropist and consulting chef for Qantas.


Neil Perry AM One of Australia's most influential chefs. He manages seven award-winning restaurants across Sydne...

Neil Perry AM One of Australia’s most influential chefs. He manages seven award-winning restaurants across Sydney, Melbourne and Perth. Source: Supplied

Kylie Kwong

Chef, TV presenter, author and owner of Sydney's Billy Kwong. She is a passionate advocate of sustainable food and ethical eating and is known for her modern Chinese cuisine.


Kylie Kwong Chef, TV presenter, author and owner of Sydney's Billy...

Kylie Kwong Chef, TV presenter, author and owner of Sydney’s Billy Kwong. Source: Supplied



Source: - 17 January 2014