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ACCC eyes brewers' grip on pubs


Probe brews over competition worries. Photo: Arsineh Houspian


The competition watchdog has launched an investigation into the supply of beer to Australia's $2.5 billion pub industry to discover whether brewers are resorting to anti-competitive tactics that lock out rival beer brands.

In a letter sent to major brewers, the Australian Competition and Consumer Commission indicated that it was seeking a better ''understanding'' of the market to assess whether anti-competitive conduct was taking place. It is also scrutinising the profit margins of the beer companies.

''The ACCC is making some inquiries to better understand the supply conditions within the wholesale draught beer market in Australia, and to understand how certain conduct may be affecting competition,'' the commission said in a letter obtained by Fairfax Media.

Questions put to industry insiders include: whether your company has ''an exclusive distribution arrangement with any customers for the supply of draught beer?''; and whether the ''price paid by venues allow your business to earn a competitive margin?''

''Please identify venues which your business has offered to supply with draught beer, where the venue has declined the offer,'' is another request. The commission is seeking responses by February 21.

The Australian beer market is dominated by the Japanese-owned Lion and London-headquartered SABMiller, which bought Fosters Brewing two years ago.

But smaller brewers have raised concerns in recent years over the hurdles in their paths to securing distribution agreements with pubs that are aligned to either of the big players.

The inquiry may come as a surprise to industry participants who have been more concerned about the market power of the supermarket giants in off-premises liquor sales.

Coles and Woolworths control more than 60 per cent of the packaged liquor market through chains including Dan Murphys, First Choice, BWS, Liquorland and Vintage Cellars.

But pub operators complain that the squeeze being applied to the big brewers is affecting them, with the price of draught beer - which is mainly sold in pubs and clubs - rising more quickly than that of packaged beer, which is sold at outlets such as Dan Murphy's.

David Allen, the licensee for the Bemboka Hotel, near Bega, told Fairfax Media that since 2005 the cost of a keg of VB had risen 59 per cent. Over the same period, a case of VB for sale in the bottle shop had risen 24 per cent.

''The cost of providing that draught beer is just getting more and more expensive,'' he said.

In 2011, Foster's was forced to pull stock from Coles and Woolworths after learning of a blitz promotion to sell beer below the $33 a carton the brewer charged them for the stock.

At one stage it was cheaper for independent retailers to go to Dan Murphy's rather than to the brewery to buy their beer.

Australia's brewing market generates more than $5 billion in sales annually, with about half of this representing beer sold in pubs.

Source: - 22 January 2014