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Side dishes show WA restaurants are out of touch with diners

Meal changer: side dishes are likely to affect a customer's choice.

Meal changer: side dishes are likely to affect a customer's choice. Photo: William Meppem

Paying extra for vegetable side dishes could soon become a thing of the past – that's if consumers get what they want.

Horticultural lobby group AUSVEG has released a new market research report indicating Australian restaurant diners are demanding higher quality vegetables with their main meals – and more of them.

AUSVEG spokesperson Kurt Hermann said of the 1000 people surveyed 54 per cent would change their meal choice or be unhappy if they were charged separately for vegetables as sides.

"The old fashioned going to a pub and paying an extra three dollars for sides is a bit on the nose," Mr Hermann said.

"People simply shouldn't have to dip into their pockets for an extra accompaniment of vegetables,"

Food blogger Liz Sheehan said side dishes were common in Europe, but meals in Perth were a bit more expensive.

"I know I get annoyed when you pay fifty dollars for a steak and then the waiter asks if you want sides with that," Ms Sheehan said.

"I guess if you look at it though, sides can be shared amongst the table – provided everyone can agree on the one thing," she said.

Food publisher Scott Arnold-Eyers said in the past vegetables were usually only served as side dishes at fine dining restaurants, while family restaurants included them with the main dish.

"Now there are so many new restaurants that are borderline between the two – so they're between family and fine-dining," Mr Arnold-Eyers said.

He said restaurants were careful not to market themselves as fine dining to attract more consumers.

"Nobody wants to be known as fine dining because it's more expensive – but they'll push it as far as they can."

The survey also suggested consumers placed just as much importance on the quality of their vegetables as they did on their meat.

"Restaurateurs need to wake up and answer diners' calls for fresh, locally-grown vegetable produce in their restaurant meals," said Mr Hermann.

Ms Sheehan disagreed though.

"People still really focus on the meat. It's never about the vegies," she said.

Mr Arnold-Eyers said those paying the price at high-end restaurants would expect high quality, but families were less fussy.

He said he doesn't see vegetable side dishes becoming obsolete anytime soon.

"I reckon it's always going to be the case. At the end of the day, you have to leave it to the restaurateur. People will decide by going or not going."

Source: - 17 February 2014