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ACCC calls for regulation of user-generated restaurant reviews


Pinch of salt: Warren Turnbull, chef at Chur Burger in Surry Hills. Photo: Steven Siewert

Now that anyone with an internet connection can share their opinions with a wide audience, user review websites such as TripAdvisor, Urbanspoon and Eatability are becoming the new word of mouth, and increasingly influential. But businesses are complaining about false, inaccurate and malicious reviews and say the system is open to abuse.

Some have struggled to remove negative comments from sacked staff, critiques posted by rivals, ''revenge reviews'' written by troublesome customers and scathing reviews by hotel ''guests'' who never stayed.

Concerned by the rise in paid-for and fake online reviews, the Australian Competition and Consumer Commission has released guidelines for businesses and review platforms and made monitoring the sector a priority.

ACCC deputy chair Michael Schaper said three-quarters of Australians used review platforms when deciding where to eat out or stay on holiday and inauthentic reviews misled consumers.

''It's time for the industry to bring its behaviour into line with ACCC expectations,'' he said. ''We would like platforms to review what's being posted up there, as well as trying to disclose as much as possible to consumers … [about] sponsored and paid links.''

When the Accommodation Association of Australia surveyed its members in 2012 about TripAdvisor almost 400 businesses responded and 28 per cent said they had a review posted by someone who never stayed at the property. Fifty-six per cent said malicious or vexatious reviews had been posted on their listing; the same number had been threatened with a negative review.

''They'd almost extort things like upgrades or free rooms with the threat of creating a bad review,'' association chief executive Richard Munro said.

Review platforms should vet reviews and restrict authorship to those who had transacted with a business, he said. ''We'd hope the companies would do that of their own accord and if [not] … we'd be pushing for legislation to make that happen. The weakness in the current system is that anyone can get on and say anything they want.''

Restaurant & Catering Australia chief executive John Hart said fake reviews were a huge problem for the association, estimating one in 10 reviews had ''some falsehood in it''.

''Generally they're [written by] ex-staff or disgruntled neighbours or somebody that's got an axe to grind about that venue. [They] can have a huge impact.''

Mr Hart said the ACCC guidelines did not go far enough and called for a code of conduct for review platforms.

In a statement, TripAdvisor said it fought fraud aggressively, with each review going through a sophisticated tracking system. Its 200 content specialists investigated every review noted for inspection by its system and acted on any reports received.

It does not verify reviews ''as we believe every experience counts, not just the one where you paid the bill. If we required people to submit a receipt, then a lot of people who have had a genuine customer experience wouldn't have a voice and that goes against what we stand for.''

''People love to have a whinge or a rant,'' said Warren Turnbull, the chef at Chur Burger in Surry Hills.

''If I did the most amazing dish in the world and sold it for two dollars, there would still be people complaining.''

Source: Sydney Morning Herald - 26 April 2014