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Loss of historic pub fragments the Buchan community

On a week day in Buchan, people file in and out of the post office and roadhouse on the main street, as night falls the town goes quiet. Where once the pub would have stood, lit up and bustling with regulars, there is a pile of burnt rubble.

The rubble that remains
The burnt rubble that remains of the Buchan Caves Hotel. (ABC Gippsland : Jenni Henderson)

The Buchan Hotel which was over 100 years old burnt down this month and has left the town wondering what will happen next.

"When the pub first burnt down I think the biggest concern was it was a place where we all gathered it was a social centre and a lot of great wins over the years, the pub is where we would go and celebrate," says Kate Hodge, president of the club.

After the fire, the Buchan football and netball club has opened its doors a couple of times a week to offer locals a meal and somewhere to meet up in the evening.

However the club's licence to serve alcohol runs out at 6pm, meaning most locals disperse early and the club struggles to find volunteers to run the nights.

Most of the club's trophies, memorabilia and photos dating back to the early 1900s went up in flames with the pub.

Despite this loss, the Buchan Cavemen are seen as the team to beat this season in the Omeo and District League.

"If anything I think it's made the club think 'well we have to step up we've got a responsibility now as the other major social place where people get together' ," Ms Hodge says.

The loss of a meet up place is not only damaging the social scene in the town , it's also affecting locals connection with other rural lifelines such as football and cricket.

David Wisnewski is the owner of the Buchan Roadhouse, across the road from where the pub used to be, he also is a shareholder in the pub.

He says he has noticed regular customers who used to come in and talk about footy tipping at the pub and the local games now don't show as much interest.

"He doesn't have the same interest because there's no footy picks, when you've got your footy picks you're interested in the results of each game," Mr Wisnewski says.

He says locals, including himself, are travelling out of town to have a drink and a meal since the closure of the pub and that has a social impact.

"From what I've seen it's caused a fragmentation in the social life [of the town]," Mr Wisnewski says.

Easter weekend is usually one of the busiest times of the year for Buchan with the popular rodeo and pony club events.

Former Buchan Hotel publican and plumber in the town, Greg Brick, says the town seemed quieter this year.

His view is echoed by a few other businesses in town.

Mr Brick had to watch his own history as part of the pub burn when it was destroyed.

"When I first heard, someone rang me and I didn't believe it was burning down. It's sad," he says.

A few businesses in Buchan are now looking at trying to take on the pub's role, opening late in town, but for now the town tries to survive without it.


Source:  ABC Rural - 30th April 2014