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Adelaide’s Jamie’s Italian restaurant to be the grandest and most luxurious of them all

An artist’s impression of the restaurant, due to open later this year.

An artist’s impression of the restaurant, due to open later this year. Source: Supplied

ADELAIDE’S Jamie’s Italian restaurant is set to be the chain’s “most luxurious” in Australia — in keeping with the grandeur of the former Westpac bank site.

Work is well underway to redeem the faded grandeur of the site, at 2 King William St, rendering it the “most luxurious, grandest and most unique” of all the Australian Jamie Oliver sites.

Developers are tight-lipped about the project, but confirm the budget is expected to far outpace the Jamie’s Italian restaurants already open in Sydney, Canberra and Perth, as well as Brisbane, which is due to open early next year.

Adam Heathcote, managing director of Pacific Restaurant Group, which has been working in partnership with Jamie’s Italian since the chain went global in 2010, says the Adelaide site is the oldest and the most architecturally significant of all the projects.

An artist’s impression of the restaurant, due to open later this year.

An artist’s impression of the restaurant, due to open later this year.

“It was a beautiful bank, and we want to pay homage to its history,” he said.

“It requires some incredible design elements, such as enormous chandeliers, a bespoke bar back, and some beautiful luxury furniture coming out of the UK.

“Obviously the cost associated with that is at the upper level of anything we’ve ever done."

“For instance, the seven chandeliers going into the banking chamber will cost about $75,000, and marble for the antipasto bar will cost $50,000.”

The restaurant is due to open in October/November.

Mr Heathcote said main menu items and prices would be similar to Jamie’s Italian restaurants interstate, with an average “all-encompassing” spend of $43 per person.

\Building work at Jamie’s Italian restaurant, due to open later this year on the corner o

\Building work at Jamie’s Italian restaurant, due to open later this year on the corner of North Tce and King William St in the old bank building. Picture: Dean Martin

“But the chefs will put 3-4 daily specials through, 21-24 a week, of which a large proportion will focus on what is seasonal and local.”

The working relationship with key development bodies in SA had been “phenomenal”, he said.

“I can honestly say, hand on heart, that the relationship established with the SA Government, Heritage SA and the Adelaide City Council has been excellent. If all (similar bodies) could adopt the same perspective, it would make life easy.”

One of the Jamie's Italian building site managers, Troy Hancox, at the old bank vault in

One of the Jamie's Italian building site managers, Troy Hancox, at the old bank vault in the basement, which will be used as the toilets. Picture: Dean Martin

Mr Heathcote said it was no secret that the King William St/North Tce area had been identified as an emerging precinct for more activity, particularly dining options.

Jamie’s, as well as the new Mayfair Hotel and its restaurants on the Hindley/King William corner, will bookend a burgeoning food precinct, servicing increased traffic into the rejuvenated Rundle Mall, Adelaide Oval, as well as the new Royal Adelaide Hospital at the West Tce corner.

Mr Heathcote said Jamie Oliver did not usually attend restaurant openings, “preferring to let the restaurant settle, at a time that is challenging enough for the team involved”.

Jamie's Italian building site managers Tyrone Davies, Steve Wesbroom and Troy Hancox in t

Jamie's Italian building site managers Tyrone Davies, Steve Wesbroom and Troy Hancox in the main hall, yet to be transformed. Picture: Dean Martin

“Beyond that, he is a frequent visitor, and when he does come out (to Australia) we try to get him to the restaurants.”

In Adelaide, the visit would include the Jamie Oliver Ministry of Food at Colonnades , a pop-up opening for 12 months from July.

Tomorrow has been declared Jamie Oliver’s global Food Revolution day, encouraging children and adults to get involved in cooking real food. Information and activities at

Jamie’s Italian building site manager Steve Wesbroom in the Basement, where the old vault

Jamie’s Italian building site manager Steve Wesbroom in the Basement, where the old vault is to be used as the toilet block. Picture: Dean Martin


OPENING DAY is touted for late October or early November but for now, giant mobile scaffolding stretches to the triple-storey-high ceilings.

THE GROUND FLOOR banking chamber will house the kitchen, bar, antipasto bar, as well as seating for about 170 guests.

ORIGINAL MARBLE stretching up lofty columns and walls is being carefully protected during the build. It will match the $50,000 feature in the bespoke bar.

IT IS EXPECTED the dining space will be split to accommodate reservations and walk-in customers.

CONTINUING Jamie’s Italian’s quirky rest room themes, the Adelaide facilities will be housed in restored underground bank vaults.

THE BASEMENT strongroom area will also house behind-the-scenes mechanics, and admin.

A PLUSH fitout is in keeping with the site, including unique colours of greens, chocolate browns and some gold.

THE BUILDING’S FACADE will remain largely in tact, including a giant brass door which opens downwards, dropping two storeys into the ground. The door will be left down.

THE STREET-LEVEL entrance will instead have two impressive glass vestibules, adding to the natural light.

EXISTING WINDOWS are large, but high. Heritage approval has been given for two windows facing King William St to be extended down to near street level.