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Minimum wage to rise by $18.70 a week

Minimum wage to rise by $18.70 a week

The decision to raise the minimum wage to $640.90 a week directly affects more than 1.5 million employees in Australia. Photo: Bloomberg

Joanna Mather

Australia will become entrenched as the most expensive labour market in the world, after the Fair Work Commission decided to lift the minimum wage by 3 per cent, or $18.70 extra a week.

At $16.87 an hour from July 1, Australia’s minimum wage will be the highest in the world measured in US dollars and below only two in purchasing power parity: France and Luxembourg.

Employer groups said the rise would cost jobs and dissuade businesses from offering extra hours. Unions said they were disappointed the increase was too small.

The commission rebuffed an appeal by the federal government to consider how low-income households would be better off without the carbon tax. But it did take into account the planned increase in superannuation contribution rates from July 1, this year.

The rise is lower than the $27 extra a week being sought by unions but higher than the maximum of $8.50 being ­pursued by the Australian Chamber of Commerce and Industry.

“[The] decision means that low-paid workers, including cleaners, retail and hospitality staff, childcare workers, farm labourers, and factory workers, will fall even further behind the rest of the workforce,” the Australian Council of Trade Unions secretary Dave Oliver said.

Three per cent is higher than the 2.6 per cent awarded in 2013 and 2.9 per cent awarded in 2012.

Hard hit

The Chamber of Commerce chief executive, Kate Carnell, said the rise would hit the retail and hospitality ­sectors and small and medium-sized enterprises hard.

“It might look reasonable in that it is halfway between what the unions wanted and businesses were seeking, but unfortunately it hits parts the economy that aren’t going nearly as well as the mining sector,” she said.

The decision directly affects more than 1.5 million employees in Australia.

The Australian Council of Trade Unions had been seeking an increase of $27 a week or 4.3 per cent.

That increase would have lifted the minimum wage to $17.08 an hour, or $629.20 a week for a full-time worker.

The Australian Chamber of Commerce and Industry urged an increase of no more than $8.50 a week.

ACCI asked the commission to have regard to the coming 0.25 per cent increase to the superannuation ­guarantee rate, which will bring ­compulsory employer contributions to 9.5 per cent.

“ACCI believes that while the labour market remains soft, overall wages growth remains subdued and the ­transition to broader based economic growth remains uncertain, the Fair Work Commission should take a ­cautious approach to any increase in award rates of pay,” ACCI spokeswoman Julie Shiosaki told a final ­consultation hearing in late May.

“This will ensure the job prospects of the low paid remain favourable during an uncertain period of transition.”

‘Modest improvement’

In the decision, Fair Work Commission president Iain Ross said it was a “modest improvement” in the real value of wages contained in modern awards.

He said the economic outlook remained sound and employment growth was forecast to be stronger, with the unemployment rate expected to rise “only slightly”.

“The outlook for the Australian economy remains sound, with solid growth, relatively low unemployment and continuing moderate inflation anticipated in the near future,” the commission said in its decision.

“Global conditions are expected to continue to improve with stronger growth expected in the world economy and within Australia’s major trading partners,”  the decision said.

“We have not taken into account the repeal of the existing carbon price or changes to the tax transfer system announced in the 2013-14 budget.”

That was because the commission had to consider existing policy settings, not future ones.

The federal government told the minimum wage review unemployment was forecast to continue to edge higher, settling about 6.25 per cent.

Forecasts were for that rate to ­continue until June 2016, “although positive labour market developments since the start of the year suggest the unemployment rate could peak at a lower level”.

“As was seen during the financial ­crisis, slower wage growth allows employers to maintain higher staff levels, particularly at a time when business income is expected to come under pressure from the declining terms of trade,” said the government’s submission, updated after the May federal budget.

“It will also encourage non-resources sectors to employ more of the labour that will be freed up as major resources projects are completed.”

1.5 workers to be on $640 a week

The decision to raise the minimum wage to $640.90 a week directly affects more than 1.5 million employees in Australia.

In US dollar terms, Australia’s $15.64 an hour compares with France’s $12.22 and Luxembourg’s US $14.24.

Labour market economist Joshua Healy said; “It’s clear we’re among the highest in the world and this moves us a bit higher up, but we won’t overtake those two countries on measures of purchasing power parity.”


Source: The Australian Financial Review - 4 June 14