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New life for historic hotel

An artist s impression of plans for the Beadon Bay Hotel.

An artist's impression of plans for the Beadon Bay Hotel. Picture: The Complete Group


While other businesses are cashing out of Onslow, a new developer is buying in with a $16 million investment in the town's pub.

Complete Group managing director Emanuel Dillon said the company had bought the Beadon Bay Hotel for about $5 million and would spend about $11 million to restore the heritage-listed pub and build additional accommodation, with 80 rooms planned.

The hotel was built in 1924 and has survived many cyclones.

Mr Dillon said it was a beautiful building but it was in disrepair.

"It needs to be re-roofed, rewired, and reconfigured completely," he said.

"We want to bring it back and make it a centre point of the town. And bring a little of Perth to Onslow . . . offering the growing population an establishment that brings the community together."

Mr Dillon said the chefs they had hired and their food would be equivalent to what people got in Perth.

Beadon Bay Hotel, plans for a major overhaul


The Complete Group's first business was portable toilets and building hire before expanding into a company with a growing presence in the hotel industry.

Last year, the company bought the Spinifex Hotel in Derby and remodelled it.

Mr Dillon said it was good to take something run down like their Derby hotel, fix the building and turn around the business.

Past glories, the hotel in 1956.


"It (Onslow) is very similar to Derby, close to the coast, small population, and a nice tight community," he said.

With a new airport being built near the town and projected population growth, Mr Dillon has hopes of regular visits from families and tourists.

Mr Dillon said he could imagine people coming down from places such as Karratha, possibly for a weekend getaway.

He said works would start next month.

"The modular buildings will be built in Perth and we hope to be able to employ locals for the construction," he said.


Source:  Yahoo News - 8th October 2014