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Photo of $9 water bottle sparks outrage

Is Australia the world’s biggest rip off?

Photograph of a $9 water bottle at a hotel sparked outrage on social media

  • Australia is one of the world's most popular holiday destinations

  • But a recent photograph on Twitter has sparked an outrage

  • Chris Ledlin tweeted a photo taken from a Novotel hotel of a water bottle with a price tag of $9 wrapped around the lid

Would you pay $9 for a litre of water? 

While Australia is one of the world's most popular holiday destinations, a recent photograph on social media has sparked an outrage on the costs for overseas tourists.

Chris Ledlin tweeted on his Twitter page, a photograph taken from a Novotel hotel of an 'Evian' branded water bottle with a price tag of $9 wrapped around the lid.

Chris Ledlin also added: 'It’s shocking. Quick tip: always get your water from a supermarket. 100% cheaper'


He also added: 'It’s shocking. Quick tip: always get your water from a supermarket. 100% cheaper.' 

Seven News reports that 'Australia is gaining a reputation worldwide and it's not good. A place where holiday makers are ripped off.' 

'The message to tourists is don't come back to Australia because it’s a rip-off place, everything is ridiculously expensive,' Australian businessman Dick Smith told Seven News.

'It's an outrage that we're having to pay these extreme prices, not just expensive bottles of water, but it's digital products and services, it's cosmetics, clothing,' Choice’s Tom Godfrey told Seven News.

'Australia is being slapped with a tax on these products unnecessarily,' he said. 

Mica Ivealis tweeted on Twitter not being able to find cheap private rooms under $50 in Australia


Shocked Twitter users responded to the photograph, with one saying: 'I've not got over how expensive bottles of water are here, it's ludicrous'.

Slider Tackle tweeted: 'haha welcome to Australia mate'

Oliver Yeates: WHAT A JOKE!? #ripoff'

Nomad'777: 'We pay more for everything'

Twinmum2 tweeted: 'It is from the mini bar-what else would you expect.Families bring their own goodies when staying in hotels-cheaper'.

Novotel told Seven News that their 'mini bars rarely make a profit and guests are paying for convenience.

Despite the shocking costs of tourism in Australia, research has found Australians are spending some of the highest prices on every day items, including groceries, home ware, eating out and many more.

Another Twitter user posts the combination price of two packs of Tim Tam and Ben & Jerry's ice cream
Another Twitter user posts the combination price of two packs of Tim Tam and Ben & Jerry's ice cream
Source Daily Mail Australia Cindy Tran 18th October, 2014