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Fonterra Co-operative slashes 523 jobs in bid to save up to $NZ60m

The world's biggest dairy exporter, Fonterra Co-operative, will axe more than 500 jobs as global milk prices crash to a six-year low.

Global demand for dairy products has dropped amid slowing growth in China, the Middle East and some emerging countries.

Global demand for dairy products has dropped amid slowing growth in China, the Middle East and some emerging countries. Photo: Louie Douvis

The New Zealand-based farmer-owned co-operative will cut jobs across its entire global operations, including Australia. It comes after management launched a review aimed at streamlining its operations to cope with plummeting global dairy prices.

The milk processor - which owns brands including Western Star butter and Ski yoghurt - will target jobs across its procurement, finance, human resources, information services and legal departments.

The milk processor will target jobs across its procurement, finance, human resources, information services and legal departments.

The milk processor will target jobs across its procurement, finance, human resources, information services and legal departments. Photo: Waikato Times

Chief executive Theo Spierings said 523 roles would be "disestablished" at a one-off cost of $NZ12 million to $NZ15 million ($10.7 million to $13.3 million). He said this would deliver payroll savings of $NZ55 million to $NZ60 million a year.

The cuts account for about 3.3 per cent of Fonterra's global workforce of about 16,000 people.

Mr Spierings said the news had been "unsettling for the people affected, but the co- operative had to change if it was to remain strongly competitive in today's global dairy market".

"Reducing the number of roles in our business isn't about individual competency; it is about continually improving the way we deliver performance," he said.

Whole milk powder prices plunged 13.1 per cent in the GlobalDairyTrade auction overnight. At $US1848 a metric ton, the whole milk powder average is the lowest since July 2009 and close to the lowest since the auctions began in 2008.

Global demand for dairy products has dropped as slowing growth in China, the Middle East and some emerging countries has cooled demand for protein from their growing middle classes, while Russian import sanctions and increasing farmer output has ramped up global supply.

Fonterra has slashed its 2014-15 forecast for its New Zealand farmers by NZ10¢ to $NZ4.50 ($4.23) per kilogram of milk solids, the lowest level in eight years.

It is expected to announce price guidance for Australian farmers soon.

The co-operative's net profit plunged 16 per cent to $NZ183 million for the six months to January 31, while revenue slid 14 per cent to $NZ9.7 billion.

Mr Spierings said the review included measures to improve profitability at Fonterra's Australian business.

"The key aims of the review are to ensure that the co-operative is best placed to successfully deliver its strategy, increase focus on generating cash flow, and implement specific, sustainable measures for enhancing efficiency," he said.

"A simple example already identified by our supply chain team is a logistics solution that increases the utilisation of export containers leaving our distribution centres, saving up to $NZ5 million a year."

Having dominated the commodity milk powder sector for years, Fonterra is aiming to deliver more food services and specialised ingredients in China, its biggest market, and in other emerging countries where it expects demand for dairy products will grow in the long term.

- with Reuters

Source: The Sydney Morning Herald, 
Jared Lynch, July 16th 2015