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Indigenous chef wins NAIDOC apprentice of the year award

Although he is only in his second year of a chef's apprenticeship, Ashley Farrall has left an impression on more than just his immediate supervisors. He has been announced as the 2015 NAIDOC Apprentice of the Year. 
In the kitchen of a Cairns tourist attraction, Ashley Farrall carefully prepares ingredients for the round of customers that will pour into the restaurant when it reopens for dinner.

Even though he has just been named the 2015 NAIDOC Apprentice of the Year, he has to work just as hard as everyone else.

"I feel proud of myself for how far I've come and for what I've done," Mr Farrall said.

It is a humble statement but one that could not be more true. If not for taking on an apprenticeship, things could have been very different for Mr Farrall.

Just over two years ago he was teetering on the edge of drug and alcohol addiction.

"As soon as I became a chef I started to feel like this was it, that this was my life," Mr Farrall said.

"I just got off it ... becoming a chef is the best thing that ever happened to me."

Mr Farrall's journey towards receiving the national accolade began in regional Victoria in the small town of Echuca.

After watching a video of Indigenous celebrity chef Mark Olive he knew the new direction his life needed to take.

"When I saw him using bush food, [I realised] I knew all the bush foods that he knew," Mr Farrall said.

"That's when I started my apprenticeship and starting learning in the kitchen. As I learned more in the kitchen and started handling more food my passion started growing and growing."

Less than a year into his apprenticeship, Mr Farrall moved to Cairns to work in the kitchen at Tjapukai Aboriginal Cultural Park.

Here he is able to use many of the bush foods that grow in the tourist attraction's grounds.

Among his favourite bush foods to cook with are Davidson's plums, quandongs and lemon myrtle, but one of his most popular creations to date has been a kangaroo pizza.

"Because I work with a lot of Italians, I wanted to try and bring the two cultures together," Mr Farrall said.

"A lot of tourists haven't tried kangaroo before and they're surprised at how similar to beef it is.

"I tell them it's pretty much the same as beef but you just can't overcook it, you have to have it medium-rare so it's not too tough to eat."

Mr Farrall hopes to one day open his own restaurant and pass on the skills he has learned to the next generation of Indigenous youth.

"Hopefully that'll slow down the effects of drugs and alcohol on the younger generations," he said.

"It might give an opportunity to get them straight into employment and help them like it helped me."


Source: ABC News, Mark Rigby, July 22nd 2015
Originally published as: Indigenous chef wins NAIDOC apprentice of the year award